
Michigan Medicine Accountable Culture Model

The Michigan Medicine Accountable Culture Model is a supporting model for the Michigan Expectations Model. The skills, principles, and behaviors listed in the MEM, support the Michigan Medicine Accountable Culture Model initiatives. Each initiative has an associated office(s) for additional resources.

The above descriptors all have these three practices in common:

  1. Build professional relationships

  2. Promote and demonstrate respectful and civil behaviors

  3. Speak up and stand up for those who speak up

It is all related. To be a leader in this culture change journey, explore our three culture practices.

Michigan Medicine Core Values: Leadership Tools

I will treat everyone with dignity, kindness and respect, promoting the well-being of self and others.

I will promote a culture of creativity, flexibility and curiosity that inspires new ideas and ways of thinking, behaving, and improving the world.

I will adhere to the highest ethical standards, demonstrating courage, truth and transparency in my words and actions.

I will foster an environment where every individual has a sense of belonging, a voice that is heard, and the opportunity to achieve and thrive.

We will work together with a shared purpose rooted in equity and fairness where diversity is celebrated, respected and valued.

Michigan Expectations Model

The Michigan Expectations Model (MEM) articulates the skills, principles, and behaviors proven to be essential to the success of faculty and staff and support the three culture practices:

  1. Build professional relationships

  2. Demonstrate and promote respectful and civil behaviors

  3. Speak up and stand up for those who speak up

Click here to learn more about the Michigan Expectations Model.

Leading Change & Transition

Culture change is a large change effort that necessitates a plan and support for our team members. Explore the Change & Transition toolkit to learn how you can leverage the model in leading teams through stages of change. You can start by taking a quick video tour through each of the 7 stages.

You can also
access the toolkit here.